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Equality Objectives

Appendix A: Trust Wide Equality Objectives 2023-27



1. Academies ensure a broad, culturally diverse and personalised curriculum is in place.


Undertake a curriculum review in all academies with a specific focus upon statutory entitlement and breadth of offer through intent, implementation and impact. 


2. Academies ensure pupils increase awareness and are protected and helped to keep themselves safe from all forms of discrimination


Academies can evidence positive approaches to empowering pupil voice and best practice is shared.

3. Ring-fenced grants are used to have optimal impact upon Learning outcomes of vulnerable groups utilising evidence-based practice and research.

Evidenced based research is integral to planning and eligible pupils’ progress is routinely tracked.


4. Enhance the accessibility of information regarding provision and pupil outcomes for parents / carers and increase involvement in how to best support learning.


Academies pro-actively seek and use parental feedback to improve the offer.

Academy is engaged with the Family Support Network group.

5. All academies ensure their curriculum model meets the needs and interests of their pupils and reflects diversity and locality

Network group is developing policy,  resources, information and support networks for staff and pupils who identify as LGBTQ+.

Academy is part of the Nexus Diversity network group and linked focus and actions.


6. All academies recognise that emotional health and wellbeing influences pupils’ cognitive development, communication and learning behaviours.

Audit academy approaches regarding behaviour and SEMH.

Academies accessing and using the SEMH Competency framework and the self-evaluation toolkit.

Public Sector Equality Duty

The public sector Equality Duty (PSED), part of the Equality Act, came into force in April 2011. It requires organisations to eliminate unlawful discrimination, advance equality of opportunity, and foster good relations.

The duty has a key role to play in making sure that fairness is at the heart of public bodies’ work and that public services meet the needs of different groups. It covers a range of public bodies, including academies, schools, NHS organisations, government departments, local authorities, and police authorities.

The duty replaces the three former duties that required government departments, local authorities and other public bodies to take into account gender, race and disability equality both as employers and when making policy decisions and delivering services. The duty standardises this requirement and also extends it to cover age, marriage and civil partnership, religion or belief, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity and gender reassignment.

The General Equality Duty

Section 149(1) of the Equality Act 2010 puts various requirements on academies when exercising their functions. The general duty requires academies to have due regard to:

  • eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited under the Act
  • advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it
  • foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

Having ‘due regard’ means consciously thinking about the three aims of the PSED as part of the process of decision-making. This means that consideration of equality issues must influence the decisions reached by academies, such as:

  • how they act as employers
  • how they develop, evaluate and review policy
  • how they design, deliver and evaluate services
  • how they commission and procure from others.

A copy of the Trust’s Single Equalities Policy, including our Equality Objectives 2023-27, can be downloaded by clicking on the link here Equalities Policy