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British Values

Teaching British Values at Hilltop School

At Hilltop School we promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance towards those with different faiths and beliefs.

At Hilltop School we believe;

That all pupils should feel safe, cared for, comfortable and supported

That all pupils should be supported to reach their potential in all aspects of their lives delivered through our unique curriculum

That all pupils should be included in all aspects of the school and wider community

That all pupils should be tolerant and understanding of the diverse world that they live in

That all pupils should be helped to have friends, behave appropriately, work hard and succeed

This is promoted through;  

The school employing a staff team who build good relationships with pupils and who are trained and supported by rigorous procedures for safeguarding.

The school emphasis on employing staff who are highly qualified and trained.  Each pupil accesses a curriculum that is tailored to meet their needs.  The school works with parents to set joint priorities for learning.

The school promoting learning outside of the classroom, all pupils engaging in joint learning experiences within school and opportunities to practise their skills in the wider community.

Actively involving pupils in community activities that develop their awareness and tolerance of others. This includes learning about different faiths and beliefs through assemblies and visiting a wide range of locations with different cultural significances.

The school promoting positive interactions between pupils and with staff – children feel happy to come to school and are encouraged to behave appropriately with help and support for those who find this difficult.  Hard work and achievement is celebrated in many ways in order to ensure that all can feel proud of their achievements.